The release of a number of criminal prisoners and political activists

The Bahrain Human Rights Society (BHRS) expresses its satisfaction and welcome at the issuance of the royal pardon, which ordered the release of 1,584 prisoners sentenced in political and criminal cases, and believe that this positive step could renew hope for improving the human rights situation in the country, address the outstanding national issues, and create a general positive climate where everyone can participate to serve the country.

The Bahrain Human Rights Society considers that this step, which was welcomed by various sectors of the Bahraini people, especially civil society organizations, is a good gesture that is in the public interest and contributes to renewed aspirations to release all prisoners of conscience, strengthen national cohesion, and turn a painful page.

The Bahrain Human Rights Society hopes that this blessed step will be followed by other desired actions that include the release of all those convicted in politically related cases without exception, the return of those deported, the restoration of citizenship to those from whom it was withdrawn, the abolition or suspension of the death penalty, and the lifting of restrictions on the practice of peaceful political work.

The Bahrain Human Rights Society emphasises the importance of the humanitarian needs of those who were released, especially with regards to their rehabilitation and providing them with the opportunity to obtain their rights to work, education, and health, in addition to ensuring that they receive appropriate psychological support that enables them to recover and integrate into their society. BHRS hopes that these releases would be expanded to include a number of other special cases, such as the case of the blind prisoner Jaafar Maatouq, and the prisoner Kamil Al-Manami who is considered among the oldest convicts with a political background, in addition to human rights activists Abdul Hadi Al-Khawaja and Dr. Abdul-Jalil Al-Singais.

Bahrain Human Rights Society
Manama, 11 April 2024

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