The Occasion of the International Human Rights Day

The international community celebrates the International Human Rights Day this year under harsh and oppressive circumstances on the human rights principles that have settled in the conscience of the people of this era and have become established standards for measuring the extent of the commitment of the ruling regimes and dominant powers to what is stated in the United Nations Charter on Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law.

What is happening in Gaza, as the apartheid regime that has occupied the Palestinian land for nearly eight decades persists in committing acts of killing, destruction and displacement, tears the human conscience and crosses all the red lines agreed upon by human society, and reflects the encroachment of Zionist arrogance and its supporters and represents a flagrant violation of the principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and internationally recognized humanitarian instruments.

The Bahrain Human Rights Society, as it celebrates with the international community on the occasion of the International Human Rights Day, joins its voice to the voice of the majority of the world’s population who have clearly expressed through mass demonstrations their support for the Palestinian people in their ordeal, and their right to struggle to achieve their rights and freedom as a people under occupation.

The Bahrain Human Rights Society, while following up on what is happening in the Palestinian territories, whether in Gaza or the West Bank, expresses its strong condemnation of the ongoing killings of civilians, including women, children and journalists, in addition to the destruction of infrastructure, including schools, hospitals, places of worship and service institutions. The Society also expresses its strong condemnation of the cooperation of some countries with the racist regime, protecting it from sanctions and its failure to stopping it from continuing its crimes.

The international community, while witnessing the crimes against humanity and ethnic cleansing, is called upon to activate all deterrent sanctions against this occupying entity, including severing all official and normal relations with it, expelling its representatives, providing all support to the Palestinian people and bringing the leaders of the racist regime to international justice.

Mercy for the martyrs of Palestine.
Freedom for the Palestinian people.
Salutation to those who stand firm in the face of Zionist brutality.

Bahrain Human Rights Society (BHRS)
10 December 2023

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