The World Day Against the Death Penalty

The Bahrain Human Rights Society, along with the international community, celebrates today the World Day Against the Death Penalty. On this occasion, the Bahrain Human Rights Society extends its sincere greetings and appreciation to His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, King of the Kingdom of Bahrain, and requests His Majesty that our beloved kingdom review the laws related to this penalty and to look with mercy at existing cases in which judicial rulings have been issued with this penalty, in line with the growing global trend to abolish, mitigate or replace this penalty.

The Kingdom of Bahrain has always been a pioneer and is appreciated by the international community in freezing the implementation of many death sentences. Civil society is also fully confident that any measure to cancel, reduce or freeze the implementation of existing death sentences will raise the status of the Kingdom of Bahrain and will be appreciated and welcomed by everyone in the Kingdom of Bahrain, the international community and the families of those sentenced to this punishment.

The Bahrain Human Rights Society, as part of civil society, addresses this petition to His Majesty the King, and looks forward to the Kingdom of Bahrain joining the Second Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, aiming at the abolition of the death penalty. The Society also looks forward to the issuance of a royal order by His Majesty the King of Bahrain to commute all existing death sentences.

Bahrain Human Rights Society (BHRS)
10 October 2023

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