Bahrain Human Rights Society 2024 Annual General Meeting

The regular General Assembly of the Bahrain Human Rights Society held its annual meeting on the 7th of May 2024 at the Society’s headquarters in the Adliya are.

The minutes of the previous General Assembly meeting held on the 4th of April 4 2023 were first approved, then the General Assembly discussed and approved the administrative and financial reports submitted by the Board of Directors regarding the activities of the Bahrain Human Rights Society for the year 2023, and took note of the members’ proposals and recommendations regarding the two reports.

Finally, seven members were elected to the Board of Directors for the next two-year period after obtaining the approval of the Ministry of Social Development in accordance with the Civil Associations Law.  Thee Assembly was informed that the Ministry had rejected the nomination of Mr. Jalil Yousef, former Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Bahrain Human Rights Society for political reasons.

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